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Episode 8: The insects return
Insects are an important part of the daily diet for millions of people. Except in the West, that is, where hundreds of years ago, they disappeared from the daily menu.
Why that happened, we can only guess. But many agree that it’s time to get them back on the table. Because, as a sustainable source of protein, insects are hard to beat. Some even say they are the new superfood we can’t afford to ignore.
In Denmark, a small team of entrepreneurs are doing what they can to make it happen. On the site of a former poultry farm, they have built ENORM Biofactory, where the vision is to produce tonnes of black soldier fly larvae every day.
Their knowledge partner is the Danish Technological Institute, which is helping ENORM build up its industrial-scale production.
It all started with a young student on a houseboat in Aarhus harbour…
Meet the team
“People ask how did you come across insects as food or feed. I think it’s because I was studying and the studies were a little bit too theoretical so I was looking for something to keep me entertained. But it had to be something that made more sense to me – in a way that it made sense for using our resources better. The first insects I bought were black soldier fly larvae that I started to breed at home on my boat.”
“I started out as a biologist in freshwater ecology – and I still get a little bit romantic when I get near a stream and turn stones to see what insects live underneath. Then I saw an opportunity at Danish Technological Institute, where they were running a housefly project about the bioconversion of organic waste into value. I started to see a whole new world in using insects for food. It was rock and roll for me from then on. It became my mission.”
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